Monday, 27 August 2012

Simple talk for dinner in the restaurant

Just found a nice page about how to practice nihon go in daily life (in Indonesian). Lets try it one by one. Starting from how to 'talk' in a restaurant

about the food:

- atsuatsu = sizzling
- mochimochi = soft (springy) texture

- hambaagu (hamburger) wa atsuatsu de oishikatta ne
- udon ga mochimochi deshita

about paying:
- o kaikei wa go issho de yoroshii desu ka = would you like to pay the bill together?
1. betsu-betsu de (/ni) onegaishimasu = could we pay the bill, separately please
2. warikan = split the bill equally
3. ogoru / gochisousuru = (if you're treating others)
- gochisousama = thank you for the meal

hey, I also found the english page. Enjoy! :)